Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The "Brews Times"-Narragansett Beer: A Review

Attention! A notice for all Norwalk beer enthusiasts: The Famous Narragansett Beer has made a splash on the scene. Forget that Pabst Blue Ribbon popular with all the hipsters. This is the real deal, straight from the home of one of the best surf breaks in the North East. It's a refreshing no-nonsense lager, perfect for summertime imbibing. Great after a day of pulling backside grinds at the local skatepark or pulling weeds in your backyard.

Hell, it was good enough for Quint, the curmudgeonly old sea captain in Jaws. And you know he didn't take crap from anyone.

Narraganset is available at Colonial Wine & Spirits off Connecticut Avenue for $5.91 a six pack. At these prices, you'll be sticking it to the man, what with gas over four dollars a gallon. And at less than six bucks a sixer, it's a much safer bet than my fiasco earlier this year with the Heineken Beertender. The only drawback is that they are not available in twelve packs. Yet.

BTW, Frosch's "Brews Times" is in no way affiliated with JB's "News & Pints". Any similarities are completely coincidental.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hot Sauce and beer brewed from the the CT sounds water...2 great tastes have finally come together. "Honey, I call it a dutch oven fiesta, enjoy".