Thursday, July 31, 2008

Chinese Takeout-The World Premiere

Alright, I've been talking this thing up for some time now. Now, with no further Apu, here is the debut of "Chinese Takeout", the latest music video from the Boardlord's new album, "Wax Museum". Directed and edited by Scott Frosch.

I want to take this time to thank the guys in the band for giving me creative control on this one. Working in the video production industry, quite often I'm stifled by clients & agencies who want to play everything straight and narrow. But the Boardlords give me the opportunity to go all out with my ideas. So again, thanks. And thanks to all the people who helped out behind the scenes, namely PDA and Rob Koch. Alright, enough with the sentimental crap, let's get ready to watch the video.

I'm giving you a few options for your viewing pleasure:

1. The hi-res version straight from my website. (takes some time to load up, but it looks the best.)

2. Vimeo (Good, not great)

3. The YouTube version (A last resort for the computer illiterate)

So leave me some feedback on whether or not you liked the video. And BTW, if the first fifteen seconds of the video makes any sense to you, consider yourself "totally cool". Thanks for watching.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Elvis Has Returned...To the Dollar Store

WARNING: Extreme "Who Gives a Sh*t?" Content:

Anyone who hung out with me last summer will remember my brief fascination with the "Elvis" Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Combining the goodness of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups with banana flavoring, in no doubt, an homage to the King's love of fried peanut butter & banana sandwiches.

Well, the other day my wife and I were in the $5 Store* on Connecticut Avenue in Norwalk and found a box of them. (photo courtesty of my cell phone)

Keep in mind these things were in a limited run last summer and haven't been available since. We bought a few of them on Tuesday. Do you think they're still good? I'm willing to bet they are fine. In fact, if I don't get sick, I'm also willing to bet that I'll go back and buy what's left. I went thru two boxes of them last summer.

Wait a minute, closer inspection of the photo above...Cinnabon makes a snack available in the grocery store? I wonder if it's any good?

*What's up with the $5 store anyways? (I can't remember the official name, it's next to Rio Mexican Restaurant. Let's call it "$5 and a Dream") Is the $5 Store the flagship of the dollar stores?

BTW, they've got an actual grocery store in there. With a frozen isle and everything. You can get economy bacon & TV dinners. Why go to Hallmark for $3 greeting cards when you can pay fifty cents? They also have EVERY jumbo size candy that you would pay four bucks for at the movie theatre. Go there & stock up before you get gouged at The Dark Knight.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Chinese Takeout-Part 3

My eyes are bleary. I've been working in After Effects for the last 4 hours or so. It's all over but the rendering.

So before I get ahead of myself too much, let me set the stage.....the Crystal Theatre that is. We convened last night for the second and final night of shooting for the new Boardlord's video, "Chinese Takeout". And if the original footage wasn't funny enough, wait till you see the final cut. I busted out the green screen for Monday night's shoot, as you can see in some of the shots.

Is this a break...or part of the video itself?

Nice lens flare courtesy of the separation light.

And what theatre would be complete w/o a Hammond organ and drum set so we could play some old-time gospel music?

So I think there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I should have the premiere of the video up on this site in the next week or so. Stay tuned....

Big thanks to PDA & Koch for lending a much-needed hand. Also thanks to the staff of the Crystal Theatre for letting us shoot.

Not much activity on this blog lately. I've had a real busy summer. Hopefully more posts & pics will be forthcoming. Blah blah, who cares, right?

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Shut Up and Skate

So much whining and moaning on Enough already. Just shred!

New skate video up on my Vimeo site. Peep it here. Plenty of boarding this July 4th weekend, including a visit from the great one, Murph. (As seen in the above photo, courtesy of PDA)

The video was literally slapped together so that my fellow Scalzi brethren could have a look, ASAP. Shot with the Canon XH-A1 and edited quickly in Final Cut Pro. Hey, check out the cool "glass bug" title feature that I just learned.

Excellent holiday weekend. I don't want to go back to work.