Sunday, December 23, 2007

We're Gonna Ride Again!

It's official. I'm pleased to announce that the masters of Drunk Rock will be employing the services of Frosch-Frog Productions. Yes, I will be producing a music video to coincide with the Boardlord's upcoming CD release. We will be doing some pre-production meetings and then we can get down to the shooting and editing. Hopefully we will have something for the masses in the next month or so.

I can't elaborate on which song we will be making a video for, but trust me, it's a good one. And hopefully the video is gonna be funny. Check back for some behind the scenes photos and stories.

Next topic/Note to self: Next year, make a mental note of how many times you hear the song "Winter Wonderland". I mean, come on, I seriously must have heard this song like 100 times in the last three weeks, and I'm trying my hardest NOT to hear it. I HATE CHRISTMAS CAROLS!!!!!!

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