Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Netflix Movie Roundup

You know, there was a glut of films that came out in fall and early winter. I realize your time is valuable, so I've taken the trouble of doing some capsulated reviews. Hope this helps with your Netflix queue or trip to the Redbox:

Get Low-More like Get Slow.
Easy A: Easy F if we're handing out grades
It's Kind of a Funny Story-It's kind of a crappy story. Whycome that Zach Galifantheopopoulaslisakis is in like EVERY movie that comes out?
(more importantly, why didn't spellcheck flag "whycome"?)
Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps-Money may never sleep, but I passed out at the 35 minute mark
The Town If I wanted to see a bunch of people shooting machine guns at each other w/o a kill count, I'd watch the A Team
I'm Still Here- "I'm not", said the audience

Unstoppable- Unwatchable
Skyline-How about a plotline? The film's creators deserve a thorough alien probing
True Grit-True shi…ahhh, too easy
Twelve-On a scale of 1 to 10? Zero
Love And Other Drugs-I'd love it if there were a drug that would make me forget I saw this crap
Cyrus-Marisa Tomei does another indy, but this time doesn't get topless. Avoid
Tron: Legacy-This generation's Ben Hur
Morning Glory-Like Network, but with more montages of Rachel McAdam running in high heels
Faster-The Cleveland Cavaliers of action movies
The Tourist-Worse than a New Orleans timeshare
Grown Ups-The actors must have used this as an excuse to go on vacation, no joke
Eat Pray Love-Eat Pray Puke (Review stolen from the NY Post….Zing!)
The Switch-Jennifer Anniston is still doing romantic comedies? Evidence there may be no God
Fair Game-Oh great, they finally made the Valerie Plame thing into a movie, oh and it stars Sean Penn, awesome

That's it for this installment. Take my word as gospel before you hit the "add" button. We'll catch up when they release that next Fast and the Furious movie.

1 comment:

Katty Kat said...

I highly enjoyed your roundup. I like to use the "Z" scale for my reviews. Zs for snoreville.
(4 zs) zzzzz is a real snuzz.