Sunday, July 6, 2008

Shut Up and Skate

So much whining and moaning on Enough already. Just shred!

New skate video up on my Vimeo site. Peep it here. Plenty of boarding this July 4th weekend, including a visit from the great one, Murph. (As seen in the above photo, courtesy of PDA)

The video was literally slapped together so that my fellow Scalzi brethren could have a look, ASAP. Shot with the Canon XH-A1 and edited quickly in Final Cut Pro. Hey, check out the cool "glass bug" title feature that I just learned.

Excellent holiday weekend. I don't want to go back to work.

1 comment:

Stamford Talk said...

yeah I noticed there was a lot of complaining- is that bc the admin hurt himself so is in a bad mood and has more restless energy? See, that's why skating is good for him.