Thursday, January 10, 2008

Phony Phone Calls

Well after yesterday's semi-serious post, I figured it was time for some comedy. (And believe me, that's about as serious as I get)

Back around 1990 or 91 those Jerky Boys tapes were all the rage. So my friend Greg and I tried our hand at making some phony phone calls. During summer vacation, we would scour the Danbury News Times for want ads. We would harass people trying to sell their worthless junk with stupid questions and comments. This was of course before the days of caller ID, which put an end to our nonsense pretty quick.

We produced a tape with about 45 minutes worth of calls that summer. The problem was, some crackheads broke into my college apartment and stole the boom box containing that tape. If there is any justice in the world, I hope those thieves met their demise in a Poughkeepsie drive-by shooting.

Anyways, of all the calls we made, I only have a tape with two examples. (But I'm looking for more) Now I must admit, these are certainly not the funniest calls we made. Greg made way better calls back in the day. Who am I kidding? His call is har-larious! So anyways, here they are in all their YouTube glory. I've added some "visuals" to make them more interesting. Enjoy!
(Click on the two links below)

Greg's Call
Scott's Call

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