Good God. The last time I posted here was way back in 2009. There have been a few requests for my unique style of writing, I believe one friend went so far as to proclaim, "You need a blog, yo." Well, it's back, yo. Prepare to be underwhelmed.
Problem area: This daylight savings thing. "Oh yay! They moved Daylight Savings up by a month. Now it's light out!" But big f-ing deal, you dope. Cuz it's still winter out and it's freezing. Yeah, I suppose you can go outside, but do you really want to? Unless you're going snowshoeing or something. And BTW, everyone is dragging ass Monday morning cuz surprise, surprise....the sun still isn't up. Ugh. What's going on here is the seasonal equivalent of shooting your load too early. And who's behind this change to the Daylight Saving Manifesto? Our 43rd and worst president, that's who:
"A U.S. law signed by President George W. Bush in 2005 extended the length of daylight saving time by four weeks. It now begins at 2 a.m. on the second Sunday in March. It ends on the first Sunday in November."

Yup, here we go…. just another in a series of bad policy moves, poor decisions and crappy leadership. Don't worry, this isn't turning into one of those lefty-leaning blogs. I hate everyone equally and as far as I'm concerned, you're all wrong!
Back to topic: They should move Daylight Savings back to April, so it's warm out, it's worth getting excited about and all that jazz. What was the reason for doing this again? For the farmers? To save energy?
"Studies done in the 1970s by the U.S. Department of Transportation show that we trim the entire country's electricity usage by about one percent EACH DAY with Daylight Saving Time."
Zzzzzzzzzzz. Who cares? What's one percent gonna solve in the big picture?
Oh and another thing while I've got your attention. Yes, I know the correct wording is "Daylight Saving", but you can kiss my ass. Daylight Savings sounds better, so I'm going with it. I know you think you're so smug for using the correct terminology, but the rest of us are saying it the cool way.
IN CLOSING: Mr Obama, I'm warning you with Peace and Love, look into making things right again. Repeal this dumb law and move Daylight Savings back to April! Wait, I just had a revelation: Screw it, I'm just going to set my clocks back an hour. So if I'm late for events until sometime mid April, pardon me all over the place.
Oh and another thing while I've got your attention. Yes, I know the correct wording is "Daylight Saving", but you can kiss my ass. Daylight Savings sounds better, so I'm going with it. I know you think you're so smug for using the correct terminology, but the rest of us are saying it the cool way.

IN CLOSING: Mr Obama, I'm warning you with Peace and Love, look into making things right again. Repeal this dumb law and move Daylight Savings back to April! Wait, I just had a revelation: Screw it, I'm just going to set my clocks back an hour. So if I'm late for events until sometime mid April, pardon me all over the place.
OK, that's it for me….wait! One final rant: Who gives a f*&% about Opening Day? 234 of my Facebook friends, that's who! People get so excited about a bat and ball, you'd think they were the ones getting the 21 million dollar salaries.